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Reinvestment Fund

Invest in a CDFI that supports affordable housing, healthcare, schools, and local businesses.

Everyone wants to live in neighborhoods where individuals and families can be healthy, safe, and happy. And these strong and vibrant communities help build economic prosperity for entire regions. But unfortunately, many communities face barriers to accessing the fundamental building blocks they need to thrive.

The Reinvestment Fund is a community development financial institution (CDFI) that brings financial and analytical tools to partnerships that work to ensure that everyone has affordable places to live, access to nutritious foods and healthcare, schools where children can flourish, and strong, local businesses that support jobs and a vibrant economy.

Who's behind the fund?

Jeremy Nowak founded the Reinvestment Fund in 1985 as the Delaware Valley Community Reinvestment Fund. Since then, the organization has provided more than $2.4 billion in financing and grown to include more than 80 employees across three locations. At the same time, it has become a national leader in community finance and policy analysis.

The organization is certified by the United States Department of Treasury as a community development financial institution (CDFI). The designation is for private financial institutions that aim to expand economic opportunity in low-income communities by providing access to financial products or services, such as banks, loan funds, or venture capital.

Investing in the fund

The Reinvestment Fund's promissory notes offer an opportunity to invest in a diversified, direct loan fund alongside hundreds of other investors. With a $1,000 minimum investment and terms ranging from three to fifteen years, investors have an opportunity to support local communities and earn an attractive 1.5% to 4.0% interest rate at the same time.

Investors in PA, MD, DC, NJ, VA, GA, CT, HI, IL, IA, ME, MA, MS, NM, RI, SD, and TX may invest in the notes by downloading the promissory note form and sending in a check for the desired amount. In addition, individuals located in Philadephia can also elect to restrict their funds to lending in the Greater Philadelphia region via the PhilaImpact Fund.

The bottom line

The Reinvestment Fund is a CDFI with a long track record of helping finance affordable places to live, access to nutritious food and healthcare, schools where children can flourish, and strong, local businesses that support jobs. While it's only available to investors in 17 states, those in the region may want to consider investing to support their communities.

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Sep 08, 2024

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Community Development


small business affordable housing


  • Invest in a CDFI note supporting affordable places to live, access to nutritious food and healthcare, schools where children can flourish, and strong local businesses.
  • Earn up to 4.0% interest with an organization has maintained a 100% payment rate since 1985.